Breakfast Franschhoek

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Abel's picture
Joined: 2007/10/15
Today was a perfect day for motorcycling – in more than one way. This may sounds very elitistic, but I once again said to myself that I’m glad I’m the owner of a BMW. The alternative to the quality and responsible motorcycling that we enjoyed as a club on the breakfast run to Franschoek this morning stood in stark contrast to the kind of riders that I’ve met on the road driving via the Fraschoek Pass and Rooi Els back home. The irresponsibility of some of the ‘bikers’ that I’ve met on the road this morning is simply unbelievable!
The ride is the destination.
Padlangs (not verified)
Abel, unfortunately you are RIGHT. There are bikers and there are motorcyclists. Fortunately we have mostly motorcyclists in our club. Back to the breakfast run - lovely ride, excellent breakfast, PERFECT company. Afterwards we rode to the new dam, just outside Franschoek. I can hardly wait for the bike to get to a 1000 km, so that I can start enjoying it fully. At this stage I am spending too much energy on the "driving-in" routine.