14 replies [Last post]
Dave Higgs's picture
Joined: 2007/06/25
I spoke to Anne, Braam's daughter this morning, Braam has a serious accident on Sunday whilst riding on Chapmans Peak. He was taken to 2Mil hospital and later transferred to ICU. His condition is not good and on behalf of the BMW Club we wish him a speedy recovery and hang in there old chap. His injuries are a broken collar bone, punctured lung and serveral broken ribs. Will keep all posted on Braam's recovery.

Donford Motorrad Cape Town

Joined: 2009/08/31
Very sorry to hear :( How did it happen? R1200S Sat 5SeptR1200S Sat 5SeptMotorlease Biketique BMW R1200S racer #70R1200S racingR1200S racing
Dave Higgs's picture
Joined: 2007/06/25
A Merc pulling a trailer in front of Braam swerved to avoid a squirrel in the road, the trailer jacked knifed leaving Braam with no option, but to put the bike down. The car and trailer did not stop to help and left the scene of the accident, two guy’s on bicycles stopped and assisted.

Donford Motorrad Cape Town

Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25
Eish...........Bad news for Brahmaan!!!!!!!! May his recuperation be fast and as painless as possible.

Committee: Ride Captain

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Braam and Alison and Anne, our thoughts are with you. Hang in there and get well soon. regards Charles & Julie

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Cloudgazer Steven's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Get well soon. My thoughts are with his family.
There are so many problems in this world. Luckily there's a wristband available for almost all of them.
Daniel Nelson's picture
Joined: 2008/02/08
Sorry to hear, get well soon Braam. Lets Ride!!!
Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01
Alison and Anne,thinking of you all in this time,our best wishes to Braam...Jane and I
chris dunn's picture
Joined: 2007/06/18
Bad news...Get well soon.
Joined: 2007/06/25
Braam, May your recovery be quick and painless, our thoughts are with you and the family. Rene & Jean. Ignore opinions, heed facts. Bum in the saddle.

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

Hermanator's picture
Joined: 2007/06/25
Braam, We briefly saw each other again recently and promised that we woould take another ride together again. I intend to take you up on that invitation. Get well soon my friend and may your family have strength to get you well again. Kind wishes, Lawrence STARCOM SOUTH AFRICA - DEALER AND DISTRIBUTOR LONGWAY MOTO - Motorcycle Tours and Rentals Longway MotoLongway Moto 79 Roeland Street, Cape
Joined: 2008/06/02
Anyone wishing to read an update on Braam's condition log into the ulysses western cape web site, they seem to be posting news there. He is still in ICU and has broken ribs at the front and the back and is on a ventilator, although it seems he will be OK in time.
Joined: 2007/09/05
Hi All, Thank you so much for all the prayers, calls, smses, messages etc. Dad is on the road to recovery, but it remains a long road ahead... He has already made so much progress!!! He took himself off the ventilator on Friday night - typical fighter that he is! His entire left ribcage is broken, they have now removed the drain from his lung as the puncture has healed. His left lung is still collapsed, but he is doing physio for it every hour. They will operate on his Collarbone and Scapula once he is stable. He is putting up one hell of a fight. He was able to walk yesterday with the support of a trolley, only a few steps, but the Docotor's are amazed that he was able to do it. I would like to keep everyone updated, but finding it hard to make the time. Spend most of our time in the ICU with him. I do however do updates on Facebook every day, so if you wish to know more you can add me Anne van den Berg. My Dad sends his regards and thanks to ALL!!! Love Anne
Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25
Great news Anne. Fast may be his progress. Geoff

Committee: Ride Captain

Dave Higgs's picture
Joined: 2007/06/25
Good News Braam is out of ICU. Visiting hours are from 3-4 and from 7-8 ward 8 2Mil hospital Wynberg. All the very best with your recovery.

Donford Motorrad Cape Town