BMWMCC Motos - CTCT call-up papers have gone out

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Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22

Call-up papers were sent to all the current registered and accredited motos today.
Once again, the BMWMCC motos will be on form and very evident on the 2019 Cape Town Cycle Tour.
Apart from our team in the VOC,
We have 22 motos patrolling the course or on specific sectors.

With each bike live tracked, the VOC can deploy motos to plug any gap or attend to any hot-spot.
This year we have a few more involved, just to carry a rapid-response paramedic.

The response has been almost immediate from the motos, with only a few places not yet filled.

Motos need to exercise very sound judgement and be able to ride very slowly at times through the dense field of cyclists, giving guidance, support and also carrying spares and tools to assist every cyclist to reach their finish line goal.

Towards the end of the day, fatigue sets in calling for exceptional stamina and tenacity as the motos prevent accidents and manage incidents along the route.
Motos are the eyes and ears of the VOC, just one part of a massive team effort with no less than 37 organisations, all separate from each other, pulling together as one unit to makes outdoor sporting events safe and successful.

This is not for sissies, yet still a major event on the calendar.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???