BMW 800 left mirror wanted

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GAW's picture
Joined: 2009/05/25

Anyone got one lying about they want to get rid of cheap


silly flop over at a stop street requires me to get a new one




___________________________________________________ Gavin Wood

zebra's picture
Joined: 2008/03/28 far as I know, they are universal (left and right, the mirror face just rotates around it's onw axis, to create left, or right mirror, IIRC...

Will also ask our supplier who makes HINGABLE, near identical mirrors (to BMW) if they do sell just one, would save quite a bit of money, since a PAIR is around R850. Made in the same factory (Italy) as BMW OEM mirrors, thus very close in look/feel...

Cheers, Chris

GAW's picture
Joined: 2009/05/25

once again Chris goes above and beyond - many thanks

As discussed - I will pop in and buy a set of mirrors

___________________________________________________ Gavin Wood