Bike covers or shed

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Q's picture
Joined: 2015/11/12

Hi Guys

I am staying at a place for a few months where unfortunately there is no garage to store my bike. So she got to stand outside. Space is also limited.

I use a stock standard Oxford cover which I think only does 50% of the job.

Still gets hot in the sun and dust still blows in from underneath (actually, I think it is worse with the cover on, as it traps the dirt).

I've seen some innovative ideas of a bike shed where you can park the bike on a platform with wheels and then push the bike on the stand into a shed side ways.

Any innovative companies in SA that build and sell a product like this?

Or any ideas?



“First you get the feeling, then you figure out why.” ― Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Zanie's picture
Joined: 2013/11/21

I think your bike should survive the dust and sun. Mine's lived outside under a bike cover for more than 3 years now and is no worse for wear. I have covers for my bike at home (lives in the back yard) and at work (no undercover parking).

zebra's picture
Joined: 2008/03/28

yes, there is a man in Cape Town who builds the 'Park and Slide' shed, I have his pictures on my PC, will post them later, and then please remind me Monday for his contact details.


Chris & Team