Beyond Atlantis' Sand Faeries

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Mwendo's picture
Joined: 2011/04/13

I have nothing but fond memories of the three occasions I visited the Atlantis Dunes with the club. I would dearly have loved to participate in the most recent Sand Faeries Day ( but could not do so because of prior commitments. I therefore leapt at the opportunity to join Charles & Clayton on the recce for this visit and I must say I was definitely not disappointed. 

This event reminded me of my original post-Atlantis experience, which I thought I would share with club members who may now find themselves in a similar position to what I was in then. First though, some background for context.

I returned to motorcycle riding, like many a club member, after a decades-long hiatus, in early 2011, with a strong resolve to master the art of off-road riding.

So, after an introductory off-road course and several of the club's excellent "Beginners / Relaxed off-road rides" (Teslaarsdal, anyone?Smile) I considered myself ready to venture onto sand when the club's June 2011 visit to Atlantis was announced. I had loads of fun, in addition to loads of sand, literally! I had no illusions about my ability, however, so I jumped at the opportunity to participate in the August 2011 follow-up visit to Atlantis. This time I had even more fun (and much less sand) along with a firm belief that I was well on my way to becoming adept at sand riding.

I went on several more club rides both before and after the second Atlantis visit and I also did an Intermediate off-road course in September 2011. Celesta and I celebrated the completion of the September course with our maiden solo (2-up) tour which broadly included the Tankwa Karoo, Middelpos, Sutherland, Merweville, Die Hel and Seweweekspoort. Naturally, I started wondering about "the next step" in my development. Naturally also, I had no idea what that next step could or should be.

Please allow me to digress here - although one could argue that this is not a digression, that it is central to this story. You see, I believe that joining the BMWMCC Cape is the single most important step I took in the learning process. The fact that I did not join the club as part of some grand plan or in response to some acquired / insider knowledge, just makes it all the more remarkable! I can trace each and every one of my subsequent learning experiences - from tar to gravel to sand - back to this single act. I am absolutely convinced that there is no better community on the planet in which to acquire and develop riding skills - not to mention finding friends for life. This club turns the adage "you get what you pay for" on its head by giving "more bang for your buck" each and every time & all the time!

Right, back to the question of the next step. Fortunately, being a member of the BMWMCCC, I did not have to wait too long to find the answer. It came in the form of an invite to dinner - a Seafood dinner, nogal, at a place called Jurg se Kaya. There was some mention, and it really wasn't concealed in the fine print either, of twee-spoor and sand but I was so confident, after the above & other achievements, that I promptly reserved two spots - for myself & a pillion! I believe the psychologists have to review their "exhuberance of youth" theories in the light of this behaviour. If anything, "boys will be boys" remains a safe bet.

So off "we" went to Jurg se Kaya.

Nothing before, or on the way there, prepared me for the experience. Not even the physical sight of the infamous "short couple of kilometers" twee-spoor did anything to alter my view of my ability to get to the Kaya. I believe it is appropriate to mention here that "we" were - thankfully! -  alone on the bike at this stage. Said pillion suffered no such illusions (needless to say, "we" were not impressed at the time) and (un)graciously declined the invitation well in advance of the tour.

To cut a long story short, I learnt more about sand riding in that one weekend than I ever did before or since, plus I learnt to ride a bit of sand too!

I say this with absolutely no disrespect to the multitude of club members who got me off the ground, literally & figuratively, at Atlantis and elsewhere.

As always, the credit must go to the awesome leaders & members of the BMWMCCC. I experienced the most amazing instruction, patience, encouragement and support from our entire tour party.

So, if you're looking to take your off-road riding "to the next level", put your name down for the next edition of the BMW MCC West Coast Seafood Extravaganza (

Get your name on the Waiting List if the tour is already full - I promise you won't regret it!

The only problem with hindsight, is you don't see it coming!