Bastervoetpad - A bliksem of a pass!

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Trygve Roberts's picture
Joined: 2014/06/12

After having filmed over 650 passes, we have become quite blasé about what impresses us these days, but a few weeks ago we returned to refilm the Bastervoetpad Pass on a perfect summers days with blue skies, fairly dry roads and no wind. This was a massive difference compared to our washed out attempt during 2013. For those who have not yet conquered this pass, we now offer a comprehensive 6 piece video set, covering all the technical obstacles, which will provide any prospective drivers/riders of the pass with a solid idea of what to expect. The link will take you to our latest news page and from there you can go to the Bastervoetpad page.

Trygve (Robby) Roberts
Mobile 083 658 8888