Atlantis Sand Fairy Day

Charles Oertel's picture

An introduction to sand and dune riding under the care of more experienced riders.  Beginners will be paired with experienced riders and will be able to experience the thrill of dune-surfing and overcome their fear of sand.

A 4x4 will establish a base in the dunes with refreshments, and there will be helpers available to help people who get stuck.

The view of table mountain from the Atlantis Dunescape is surreal and spectacular, and well worth the effort of getting out there.

If you are scared of sand, the dunes is a good place to start riding sand - it is easier and safer, and a lot more fun.  We will get you and your bike onto the easy, smooth and flat sand where you can gradually get your sand legs.

Towards the end of the morning we will have some easy outrides along the dunes for those who are keen.