Anyone lose a topbox yesterday?

6 replies [Last post]
ParkyZA's picture
Joined: 2011/05/02
Hi there, Someone with a R1200GSA lost their Topbox yesterday morning leaving the Uitzicht area, saw it happen but failed in stopping the rider, Got the box with me, Dave 083 604 1432


Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22

You're a great Guy Dave to go this extra mile.

Good to know you do this and it restorse some faith in mankind.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

John Geldenhuys's picture
Joined: 2011/01/31

Andyman wrote:

You're a great Guy Dave to go this extra mile.

Good to know you do this and it restorse some faith in mankind.

I can vouch for him being a great guy...he's my boetie... ;)
Obviously it's my good influence on him... now to get him to come on the rides... ;) 

ChristoffGS's picture
Joined: 2009/04/02

Seeing that it belongs to a GSA I took the liberty in posting a link to this thread on forum.  Hope you don't mind.


ParkyZA's picture
Joined: 2011/05/02
Hi ChristoffGS That is cool man, thanks. Can just imagine the dudes expression when arriving at his destination and NO TOPBOX! Need to find him. all the help is appreciated,


Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25


Regarding the last post of the guys expression....

Years ago in the time of fuel rationing and specific petrol garage hours we came to PE from Durban for the Buff............

I can't remember if we stopped more often at the pub or for petrol on the way down!!!!!!

However just outside Grahamstown on the PE side is a little Hotel with a quaint pub. We stopped here to fuel the riders rather than the bikes. May I suggest we were all about 20 sheets to the where is PE?????????

After filling our tanks to overflowing we headed for PE. I rode a Honda 500 CX Turbo.

On arrival in PE one of the group dismounted his bike only to find his "pillion" missing. I kid you not.

The big debate was about where she could have fallen off the bike as none of us had seen her fall. However his state of mind was such that he was not to perturbed about her "vanishing" act. I am sure deep down in the part that could still remember he must have been sh*tting himself.

Turns out he had by mistake left her in the pub outside Grahamstown..............

Suffice to say it was the end of that relationship.

Committee: Ride Captain

Joined: 2008/07/15

Geoff a few years back Andre and Louis came back from a party, Andre's wife was also in the car.


They got a flat, and had to stop to fit the spare.  It was a good party, so fitting the spare took some time ...


Finally they were on their way.  A few street blocks further Andre's cell phone rang - they left his wife next to the road .....





as for the topbox - report it to the three dealerships (even though they have probably read this thread already).  The guy might go buy a new one without reading this post ....