Another On-Call problem

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William-K1200GT's picture
Joined: 2008/10/20
When I drove to Calvinia with Steve he mentioned that he had picked up a rather new GS on the N1 last week. The guy had gotten tired of waiting. No call back for over an hour, then told that the AA could not find the trailer, so he phoned Steve. When is the club meeting with BMW to discuss these on-going problems?
JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
William like said REPEATEDLY at the club meeting/s as well as in newsletters to members, the ONLY way I can adress matters with BMW is when people send me their "problems experienced/cases" in writing, I need evidence and facts and cannot work on "hear say". Everyone gets a reference number from the 1st call made to on call, get that to me and at least I can start somewhere. I am representing the club and have got an arrangement with BMW in person Lachlin Harris that once I have "cases/examples" we will meet and he will then give us feedback as well as indicate what they have put in place in this regard, furthermore as far as I am aware they are in the final stages of signing the contract with the AA. All I can do for now is make him aware of what happened, that is it, I have no names, dates, tel numbers, ref numbers ....nothing else to give him. Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01
Sorry for the late comment on this at the time I was battling to meet deadlines called yesterday.. William you have had a few On-call experiences, PLEASE forward full details to Johan... for all our sakes Others who have had, please do likewise,please act rather than mutter in the sidelines....yes it does take effort, but be a contributor rather than a taker.