26th 1/4 Day ride 4 2!

3 replies [Last post]
Padlang's your comment "Remember the DAY RIDE on 26 December 2007." fell on deaf ears, not even YOU pitched up, only Corné and myself, so we had our own ride and I will do a short trip report :-)
ckloppers (not verified)
Thx William ;-) It was nice meeting you in person. It was a lekker 90km ride, free coffee and all! Your bike is beautiful! A few suspect scratch marks on your left pannier :-) :-) Will email you the pictures shortly. Cheers, Corné Kloppers 0849130391 ckloppers@gmail.com
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Ah, the plot thickens. We met at 9 am, and Whisper was there first, worried that nobody else was there. The petrol attendants told him the group had left, but it sounded suspect because there were only two in the group :) Then we all arrived for 9 am as posted on the forum. Padlangs fell foul of the long arm of the wife, and had to give his apologies to do work around the yard. Dave Higgs led the ride, with Brian as his wingman. I'm not doing a trip report, so I won't tell you about the ride over Du Toit's pass, the towing of a motorcyclist who was pushing his bike down the N1 with angry pillion stomping behind (he'd run out of petrol), the quick coffee at the Worcester Shell, the ride up the Hex River valley, down the Koo valley, the lunch in Montague, the ride over Franshoek Pass, Jane's little tumble on a corner, the ride home. Nothing. I'll tell you nothing. Sorry to have missed you Corne and William - better luck next time ;-)

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
HISTERICAL.....Jane I really hope you are OK...?? Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"