2019 membership fees now due

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David ffoulkes's picture
Joined: 2015/02/19

Your 2019 membership fee is now due. If you have not yet paid please deposit R250 to the bank account (details on website) as soon as you can using your name and 'subs' as reference. Please bear in mind that if you joined after 1 Sept 2018 your membership is paid up until 31 Dec 2019.

You can view your paid status using this link while logged on:- http://bmwmotorradclubcape.co.za/membership/new

We look forward to another very eventful year for the club and it's members.

David ffoulkes

Committee: Vice Chairperson/ Clubs Africa/ Membership/ Ride Captain

David ffoulkes's picture
Joined: 2015/02/19

We have already received payment from more than a third of our membership - a huge thanks to them.

If you have not yet done so please attend to it as soon as you can.

Thanks in anticipation.

David ffoulkes

Committee: Vice Chairperson/ Clubs Africa/ Membership/ Ride Captain