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Joined: 2014/06/04

The GS Trophy Qualifier will be held on the 20th June 2015 at Nelson Wine Estate

Most of you will think of the following excuses and I urge you not to.

I am not good enough

I am not fit enough

Its a waste of money

I will never make it.

All of the above is the same excuses I gave in 2013. It turned out that I was wrong.

I will urge all the gs riders to partake in this event.

The gs trophy will be one of the top experiances in my life. I have done allot on motorcycles but the GS Trophy stays at the top.

I must admit I really like the new format of a regional Qualifier. Its cheaper to enter than previous years and if you go through in your region you have a even better chance to go GLOBAL

More to follow


zebra's picture
Joined: 2008/03/28

BUMP - a really good initiative, the Regional round!
