2010 1200 GSA rear mudguard

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Joined: 2010/09/15

Upon inspection this morning when the bike was cleaned after a first time 150km of public gravel road, I discovered that the smallish rear mudflap that gets bolted down by 3 hex bolts to the rear swing arm was looseSurprised. Upon closer inspection I saw that the top bolt was missing. FrownI removed the two remainder bolts and discovered that the top bolt broke off inside the metal housing and it looks like if there was supposed to be a small stiffner bracket that also broke off as only a small piece of the bracket is still attached to the casing. Is this a known problem with the 1200 GSA's? It happened to a friend of mine as well when they went touring through Namibia and he lost his whole mudflap.

Kobus Vlok



Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25

It has been known to happen Kobus.

I suggest you take it off and leave it off it is only there to pass German road safety specs!!

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