2000 dakar "plastics" wanted

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mr.stripes's picture
Joined: 2008/10/22
Hi all, I've been offered a job including visa sponsorship in Australia, & I'm wanting to recreate mr.stripes on that side. To do so I want to purchase the "plastics", ie the 3 pieces that cover the air filter, battery & oil chamber, plus the 2 side pieces, so I have a ful bike to sell, & can take the stripey sides etc to Oz Its not worth exporting my bike, so its for sale too, once I've sourced the plastics (for lack of another name for them) & figured out what date I'm leaving. Any ideas on what price one can ask for a 2000 Dakar with 100000km on the clock?


mr.stripes's picture
Joined: 2008/10/22
Oh yes, returning from Oz tomorrow so don't expect replies til at least Monday. Bike also has +pannier brackets & two kappa panniers, +topbox large enough to hold two helmets. +handlebar raisers
