1983 - R100RS Pump & Ownwer's manual wanted.

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Joined: 2009/08/23


I own a 1983 R100RS which I like to keep as complete as possible.

I am looking for the following items:

- R100RS Owners manual. ( the little book that comes with the bike)

- Pump. The little pump that clips onto the frame. I lost mine two weeks ago.



zobbidoo's picture
Joined: 2008/03/06

Check out BidorBuy.co.za. Do search for BMW manuals etc. There's someone there who sells e-manuals.

(I've only seen the ads - I've never seen or actually bought the manuals.)

Joined: 2007/06/25

Alternatively,  pop into your friendly dealer he could have a riders manual lying around. I know that each do have a part number so if all else fails talk to that dealer.

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