1680 kms in 14 hours

4 replies [Last post]
Joined: 2010/04/27

1680 kms in 14 hours. 

Yesterday, while some members of the club had a great breakfast ride to Die Tolhuis, I was all on my own on the road back from GS Trophy at Badplaas. Left at 07h30 and parked my bike in the garage at 21h30. How's that for Making Life a Ride! What an awome event it was. 

Take responsibility for the energy you bring into the room!

David ffoulkes's picture
Joined: 2015/02/19

Well done Herman. Bet you have a sore bum todaysmiley

David ffoulkes

Committee: Vice Chairperson/ Clubs Africa/ Membership/ Ride Captain

Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25

Herman its now time to start spending this much time on your plastic bike or you will never make the Richtersveld with us....

Committee: Ride Captain

Joined: 2014/06/24

You could've registered as an Iron But - 1000 miles in 24 hours ...... google it

Joined: 2012/01/13

Walking like a cowboy?