Karoo National Park outside Beaufort West

3 replies [Last post]
Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01

Anyone know much about this place, as Jane and I are considering a visit?


Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25

Very nice but it will be scorchingly hot at this time of the year.

Under the big tree at Cederberg Oasis is lovely and cool with the pool on your doorstep.

Committee: Ride Captain

Pepe's picture
Joined: 2007/12/01

A nice place that can really be recommended. Great camping under good shade on neat lawns and clean ablutions. Also has neat chalets and a decent restaurant. It used to be our favourite stopover on the way to the southern cape for the December holidays. Nowadays we take the big break in July, but still enjoy the park and everything it offers when we go in that direction.

Work hard; play hard; never play when you work!

Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01

We are here, and very nice it is too, Thanks for the responses!

A number of big tortoises running around the campsite.

Oi!!! Charles and Buddy....... campsite......more panic?????Smile