Eendekuil surrounds

JohanM's picture

Shortish worktrip

I had to conduct a funeral on a farm not far from Eendekuil on Wednesday at 15:00. I learned from the family about the route to the farm and for me this was new territory. I checked the wheatherman and decided to go there on the bike. The road there was from Brackenfell to Piketberg - then a lovely road from Piketberg, directon Elandsbay, passed the offturn to Eendekuil, right turn on the Het Kruis rd to Sandberg, and then gravel, until I had to turn right again on the Paleisheuwel rd, direction to the N7. The farm Ou Muur is on this road, about 3km's after the turn off. I departed from the farm at 17:15, took the direction to N7, and then came back to Eendekuil, with another 12km's gravel road to family of mine on a farm, where I stayed over for the night.
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