In the Boland

The Start of Things To Come

I’m bikeless and work is slow; the GSA is in for repairs to a failed pinion bearing and replacement thereof as well as its driveshaft.  So, by way of an introduction (I joined in June), I thought I would share some of the good times we have had on the “beast” since we bought her new in December 2009.  Also to whet the appetites of those that are lurking on the web site (as I did for months) and vacillating about a purchase (as I did for months). This is not the royal “we”- no, my wife does not like allowing the GSA out without her riding pillion.

Johan du Preez's picture

Did you celebrate National Youth Day??

“Today I’m going to do what is expected of me as a good citizen of this country”, I said to myself earlier this morning. “At the end of today no one should be able to criticize me for not celebrating an important national day on the calendar of our beloved country – National Youth Day!”

And, as a youngster who is still at least two months away from qualifying for a senior citizen package at my bank, I realised that the day will come one day in the distant future that I will not be so young anymore to still qualify to celebrate National Youth Day.

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