Atlantis Dunes

Anna-Marie's picture

Atlantis Sand Fairy Day: 18 Aug 2019

This training will give you experience of managing your bike in thick sand and dunes.

You will learn

  1. Bike setup for riding in sand
  2. Rider position for sand riding
  3. Getting going and stopping in thick sand
  4. Reading dunes and riding appropriate lines
  5. Traversing the dunes

We will meet at the "Atlantis Dunes Permit Office, Atlantis, Cape Town, 7349" (put this into Google Maps), at 8am on Sunday 18 Aug.

Zanie's picture

Dangerous dunes: tackling Atlantis on the big bikes

Lance and I, Gerhard and Ilse, and Rudolf (Lance’s brother-in-law) headed to Atlantis dunes last weekend. Lance and Gerhard had both been there before on their small bikes and they were used to taking their big bikes on sand excursions, but not one of us had ever tackled Atlantis on a big bike. Ilse had only seen gravel a couple of times this year, but had seen some crazy sand in her time, thanks to Gerhard. Rudolf was very new to off-road and sand in particular. I’ve coped with Namibian sand before, but this was something else.

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