
This is an archive of the website of the BMW Motorrad Club of the Western Cape, South Africa. It contains trip reports and forum topics from the Drupal 6 version of this site (2006 - 2020). The current site is here.

If you are in the Western Cape and own or desire a BMW Motorcycle, please feel free to register as a user on our site. You will find a friendly and helpful bunch of enthusiasts here.

If you are new or returning to biking after a hiatus, read about how to survive your first year on the bike. Some of our members have produced a TV series - "Look What You're Missing" that is all about adventure bike riding.

If you want to join the club itself, you will need to pay membership fees and fill in documentation. Look for the 'Membership' link in the 'Membership' section of the top menu.

Trip Reports

Post date Title Author Views Votes
2008/03/26 My Four Province Solo Trip - Jane Jane 6,359
2008/03/25 MIDDELPOS OR BUST PeterO 3,539
2008/03/24 Daantjie’s Karoo overnight trip to Merweville Annie 7,428
2008/03/16 Riebeeck Kasteel Anonymous 1,935
2008/03/16 Slopes of Sir Lowry's Pass Andyman 2,043
2008/03/03 Stilbaai - Onroad overnighter christo 1,649
2008/02/18 JRs Ossewa Route Annie 4,256
2008/02/13 Bosluiskloof to Gamkapoort Dam a BC ride Neil Terry 3,763
2008/02/12 To Hell and Gone tonyt 2,064
2008/02/06 Elim reportback JR 2,663