Legal Aspects of being a good Samaritan

OK the legal aspects, and I'm not going to continue a debate on this thread, we can start another if it is of interest, Bear in mind this is South Africa not USA - very unlikely that you'll end up on court for providing assistance. The following is an excerpt from our training manual ... The main question asked in a South African court would be “What would a reasonable person with the same qualifications and the same equipment have done under similar circumstances. A qualified first aider is not legally bound to provide treatment for casualties, considering that a court may find him/her guilty of negligence if he/she ''does not'' provide treatment. If you do provide treatment, you have to do so without adversely affecting the patient, causing the deterioration of the patient’s condition, or by breach of confidentiality. You are guilty of negligence if: * You provide outdated care * You cause the death of a patient (culpable homicide) * You provide treatment that you are not qualified for, except when: ** The patient gives his consent (orally, or by implicitly accepting treatment without any complaint). Only the patient himself can give this consent. Parents have to consent to treatment on behalf of their children. First aid on minors if the parents are not at the scene or first aid on an unconscious patient is given with ‘implied consent’. **It is a true emergency when a patient is in mortal danger or when his condition may deteriorate if you do not do something. This justifies treatment without consent. Even then, you are in no position to provide treatment if the patient expressly refuses it, unless you are convinced that the patient is confused, possibly because of severe shock. Emergency Medical Care: Level 1 – 3: First Aiders – Not HPCSA registered Level 5: Basic Life Support (BLS)/Basic Ambulance Assistant (BAA)/Basic Paramedics * HPCSA registered * Supervised Practice Level 6: Intermediate Life Support (ILS)/Ambulance Emergency Assistants (AEA)/ Intermediate Paramedics * HPCSA registered * Independent Practice Level 7/8/9: Advanced Life Support (ALS)/Critical Care Assistants (CCA’s)/National Diploma EMT’s (N.Dip) * HPCSA registered * Independent Practice On any medical scene, it is a requirement by law to abide by the instructions of the level above you as they are higher qualified (this includes doctors, nurses etc). HOWEVER, in many cases Doctors (GP’s/Pharmaceutical etc), Nurses or hospital staff may defer to you to perform CPR or other emergency procedures because they are not always trained in that area nor are they experienced. ''The world needs dreamers that DO!''